config.ini : 配置文件cpu_mem_info.py : 取CPU值的脚本get_disk_info.py : 取硬盘相关信息的脚本main.py : 主的运行文件traffic.py : 网络流量监控文件vm_info.py : 虚拟机在节点占用空间获取脚本zabbix_send.py : 向zabbix send数据的脚本OK,介绍过脚本作用之后,开始来说一下肿么配置吧!主要是修改"config.ini": 上面是固定的格式:
[VCenter01] ------> 主要是VC应用的别名,用于日志上面报错的时候好识别host:VC的IP地址,格式: : VC的用户名,格式:mianbaopassword:VC用户的密码,格式:mianbao.cn.com注:上面的host、user、password这些项名是不能修改的!你有几个VC就写几个上面的结构就行,zabbix我就不再多说了,切记 '[zabbix]'是不能修改的哦!
然后就是准备环境了,所需环境 Centos 或 Window都可以,这里只说一下Centos的环境准备方法,只需安装所需要的python以来模块,安装方法如下:
unzip pysphere-0.1.8.zip cd pysphere-0.1.8 python setup.py install
python main.py
zabbix 2.0 模板:
*/5 * * * * /usr/bin/python /vmware/main.py
[VCenter01]host = VC IP地址(ex: = VC 用户名password = VC 用户密码[VCenter02]host = VC IP地址(ex: = VC 用户名password = VC 用户密码[VCenter03]host = VC IP地址(ex: = VC 用户名password = VC 用户密码[zabbix]host = Zabbix服务器地址port = 10051
#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-'''@Created on 2016年6月14日 @author: MianBao@author_web: Mianbao.cn.com'''import copyfrom pysphere import VIServer,VIPropertyfrom zabbix_send import zabbix_senderdef getNodeinfo(s,zabbix_info): properties = [ 'summary.config.name', 'summary.quickStats.overallCpuUsage', 'summary.quickStats.overallMemoryUsage', 'summary.hardware.cpuMhz', 'summary.hardware.memorySize', 'summary.hardware.numCpuCores', 'summary.hardware.numCpuPkgs', ] props = s._retrieve_properties_traversal(property_names=properties,obj_type="HostSystem") total = {} for item in props: host = dict() for p in item.PropSet: if p.Name == 'summary.config.name': host_name = p.Val if p.Name == 'summary.quickStats.overallCpuUsage': cpu_use = p.Val if p.Name == 'summary.quickStats.overallMemoryUsage': memroy_use = p.Val if p.Name == 'summary.hardware.cpuMhz': cpu_hz = p.Val if p.Name == 'summary.hardware.memorySize': memory_total = p.Val if p.Name == 'summary.hardware.numCpuCores': cpu_core = p.Val if p.Name == 'summary.hardware.numCpuPkgs': cpu_num = p.Val host['cpu_use'] = cpu_use host['memory_use'] = memroy_use host['cpu_hz'] = cpu_hz * cpu_core host['memory_total'] = memory_total host['cpu_core'] = cpu_core host['cpu_num'] = cpu_num total[host_name] = host host = dict() #print total SendDataToZabbix(total,zabbix_info) def SendDataToZabbix(total,zabbix_info): for x,y in total.items(): value = dict() value['host'] = x zabbix=zabbix_sender(**zabbix_info) value['key'] = 'cpu.info' value['value'] = '{"data":[{"{#DATA}":"CPU"}]}' zabbix.adddata(**copy.deepcopy(value)) value['key'] = 'cpu.use.hz[CPU]' value['value'] = y.get('cpu_use') zabbix.adddata(**copy.deepcopy(value)) value['key'] = 'cpu.physical.core[CPU]' value['value'] = y.get('cpu_core') zabbix.adddata(**copy.deepcopy(value)) value['key'] = 'cpu.total.hz[CPU]' value['value'] = y.get('cpu_hz') zabbix.adddata(**copy.deepcopy(value)) value['key'] = 'cpu.chacao.num[CPU]' value['value'] = y.get('cpu_num') zabbix.adddata(**copy.deepcopy(value)) value['key'] = 'cpu.vcpu.num[CPU]' value['value'] = y.get('cpu_num') * y.get('cpu_core') zabbix.adddata(**copy.deepcopy(value)) response=zabbix.send() #print 'memory----',response zabbix_memory=zabbix_sender(**zabbix_info) value['key'] = 'memory.info' value['value'] = '{"data":[{"{#DATA}":"MEMORY"}]}' zabbix_memory.adddata(**copy.deepcopy(value)) value['key'] = 'memory.use.mb[MEMORY]' value['value'] = y.get('memory_use') * 1024 * 1024 zabbix_memory.adddata(**copy.deepcopy(value)) value['key'] = 'memory.total.bytes[MEMORY]' value['value'] = y.get('memory_total') zabbix_memory.adddata(**copy.deepcopy(value)) response=zabbix_memory.send() #print 'cpu----',response return response
#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-'''@Created on 2016年6月14日 @author: MianBao@author_web: Mianbao.cn.com'''import osimport sslimport copyimport jsonfrom pysphere import VIServer,VIPropertyfrom zabbix_send import zabbix_senderimport timedef HostSystem(s): properties = [ 'summary.config.name', 'datastore', ] props = s._retrieve_properties_traversal(property_names=properties,obj_type="HostSystem") host = dict() for item in props: for p in item.PropSet: if p.Name == 'datastore': datastore_id = p.Val.ManagedObjectReference if p.Name == 'summary.config.name': host_ip = p.Val for x in datastore_id: host[str(x)] = host_ip return hostdef DatatStore(s): properties = [ 'summary.capacity', 'summary.freeSpace', 'summary.name', 'summary.uncommitted', ] props = s._retrieve_properties_traversal(property_names=properties,obj_type="Datastore") host = dict() for item in props: disk = dict() for p in item.PropSet: if p.Name == 'summary.capacity': total = p.Val if p.Name == 'summary.freeSpace': free = p.Val if p.Name == 'summary.name': name = p.Val if p.Name == 'summary.uncommitted': uncommitted = p.Val disk['total'] = total disk['free'] = free disk['name'] = name #disk['uncommitted'] = uncommitted host[name] = disk return hostdef Get_Datastore(s): return s.get_datastores()def MergeAndSend(s,zabbixs): host = HostSystem(s) disk = DatatStore(s) middle = Get_Datastore(s) hosts = dict() for M,N in host.items(): X = middle.get(M) Y = disk.get(X) zabbix_send_content(N,Y,zabbixs) return hosts def zabbix_send_content(host,cont_dict,zabbixs): if isinstance(cont_dict, dict): zabbix=zabbix_sender(**zabbixs) #the discovery rules value = dict() value['host'] = host value['key'] = 'vmware.disk.name' value['value'] = '{"data":[{"{#DATA}":"%s"}]}' % cont_dict.get('name') zabbix.adddata(**copy.deepcopy(value)) value['key'] = 'vmware.disk.free[%s]' % cont_dict.get('name') value['value'] = '%s' % cont_dict.get('free') zabbix.adddata(**copy.deepcopy(value)) value['key'] = 'vmware.disk.total[%s]' % cont_dict.get('name') value['value'] = '%s' % cont_dict.get('total') zabbix.adddata(**copy.deepcopy(value)) response=zabbix.send() #print 'disk----',response return responseif '__main__' == __name__: pass
#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-'''@Created on 2016.11.14 @author: MianBao@author_web: Mianbao.cn.com'''import osimport sslimport loggingimport ConfigParserimport threadingimport timefrom pysphere import VIServerfrom get_disk_info import MergeAndSendfrom cpu_mem_info import getNodeinfofrom vm_info import mainfrom traffic import NetTrafficclass MianBao(): def __init__(self): self.now_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) self.vcinfo = None def GetConfig(self): config = dict() config_items = ['host', 'user', 'password'] config_zabbix_items = ['host', 'port'] file = os.path.join(self.now_path,'config.ini') Cfile = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() Cfile.read(file) Cfile_zone = Cfile.sections() for C in Cfile_zone: zone_config = dict() config_items = config_zabbix_items if C == 'zabbix' else ['host', 'user', 'password'] try: for Y in config_items: zone_config[Y] = Cfile.get(C,Y) except Exception,e: self.logs('config read',e.message) pass config[C] = zone_config self.vcinfo=config def logs(self,where,log): log_name = os.path.join(self.now_path,'main.log') logger = logging.getLogger(where) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) fh = logging.FileHandler(log_name) fh.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(filename)s:%(lineno)s - %(name)s - %(message)s' ) fh.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(fh) logger.debug(log) def Connect(self,zone,vc): # windows need import the ssl try: ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context except Exception,e: pass self.Server = VIServer() try: self.Server.connect(**vc) except Exception,e: self.logs('%s VC 连接错误' % zone,e.message) return self.Server if self.Server.is_connected() else 1 def Run(self): self.GetConfig() if self.vcinfo is not None: zabbix = self.vcinfo.get('zabbix',None) for zone,vc in self.vcinfo.items(): if zone != 'zabbix' and zabbix != None: S = self.Connect(zone,vc) try: MergeAndSend(S,zabbix) getNodeinfo(S,zabbix) main(S,zabbix) NetTraffic(S,zabbix) S.disconnect() except Exception,e: self.logs('%s VC 连接错误' % zone,e.message) pass if '__main__' == __name__: collor = MianBao() collor.Run()
#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-'''@Created on 2016.11.14 @author: MianBao@author_web: Mianbao.cn.com'''import copyfrom pysphere import VIServer,VIPropertyfrom zabbix_send import zabbix_senderimport timedef NetTraffic(s,zabbix_info): pm = s.get_performance_manager() get_key = ['net.bytesTx', 'net.bytesRx'] for x,y in s.get_hosts().items(): network_type = dict() for M in get_key: network_traffic = dict() start = time.clock() nettx_out = pm.get_entity_statistic(x,M) end = time.clock() for nettxtraffic in nettx_out: nettxinstance = dict((name, getattr(nettxtraffic, name)) for name in dir(nettxtraffic) if not name.startswith('__')) if nettxinstance['instance'] != "": netname = nettxinstance['instance'] nettxtraffic = nettxinstance['value'] network_traffic[netname] = nettxtraffic network_type[M] = network_traffic #print "traffic use time:",end - start MergeNetName(network_type,y,zabbix_info) def MergeNetName(network_type,y,zabbix_info): if isinstance(network_type,dict): for m,n in network_type.get('net.bytesTx').items(): network_in = network_type.get('net.bytesRx').get(m) UpToZabbix(y,m,n,network_in,zabbix_info)def UpToZabbix(y,net_name,out,net_in,zabbix_info): zabbix_traffic=zabbix_sender(**zabbix_info) value = dict() value['host'] = y value['key'] = 'traffic.info' value['value'] = '{"data":[{"{#DATA}":"%s"}]}' % net_name zabbix_traffic.adddata(**copy.deepcopy(value)) value['key'] = 'traffic.net.out.kb[%s]' % net_name value['value'] = out zabbix_traffic.adddata(**copy.deepcopy(value)) value['key'] = 'traffic.net.in.kb[%s]' % net_name value['value'] = net_in zabbix_traffic.adddata(**copy.deepcopy(value)) response=zabbix_traffic.send() #print 'traffic----',response
#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-'''@Created on 2016614 @author: MianBao@author_web: Mianbao.cn.com'''import copyimport sslfrom pysphere import VIServer,VIPropertyfrom zabbix_send import zabbix_senderimport timedef GetNodeInfo(Server): managed_object_types = 'VirtualMachine' properties = [ 'summary.runtime.host', 'summary.storage.committed', 'name', ] props = Server._retrieve_properties_traversal(property_names=properties,obj_type=managed_object_types) vms = dict() for item in props: vm = {} host_id = None for p in item.PropSet: if p.Name == 'summary.runtime.host': if vms.get(p.Val,None): host_id = p.Val vm[p.Name] = p.Val if host_id: vms[host_id].append(vm) else: vms[vm['summary.runtime.host']] = [vm,] return vms def GetHosts(s): hosts = s.get_hosts() return hostsdef main(s,zabbix_info): start = time.clock() hosts = GetHosts(s) vms = GetNodeInfo(s) for x,y in vms.items(): for m in y: response = SendData(x,m,hosts,zabbix_info) end = time.clock() #print 'vm use time:',end - start return responsedef SendData(x,m,hosts,zabbix_info): zabbix_vm = zabbix_sender(**zabbix_info) value = dict() value['host'] = hosts.get(x,None) value['key'] = 'vmware.vm' vm_name = m.get('name') value['value'] = '{"data":[{"{#DATA}":"%s"}]}' % str(vm_name) zabbix_vm.adddata(**copy.deepcopy(value)) for key,val in m.items(): if key not in ['summary.runtime.host','name',]: value['key'] = '%s[%s]' % (key, vm_name) value['value'] = val zabbix_vm.adddata(**copy.deepcopy(value)) response=zabbix_vm.send() return response